Legal sex (1) is usually based solely on visible, external anatomical structures of the Individual; anatomical sex (2) takes in both the external and internal sex struc- tures; germinal sex (3) refers to the type of germ cell produced by the gonad, or sex gland, in this case eggs produced by the ovary; endocrine sex (4) refers to the proportionate amounts of various hormones secreted by the sex glands and certain other glands; and psychological sex (5) refers to the individual's emotional
orientation and identification.
sex. These people are referred to as transsexualists.
Other "psychic hermaphrodites" are satisfied to live merely in the dress of the other sex and in this way appease their frustrated psy- chological sex. They are the much more frequent transvestites, men dressing and often living as women, and women as men.
If the anatomical sex, that is to say the appearance, is not too markedly opposed to the psycho- logical one, they may "pass" and live a reasonably happy life, just as a light-colored Negro may "pass" as a white person. In other words, they bring their Social Sex into harmony with their other
Sometimes, but not always, the history of transvestites and trans- sexualists reveals that as young children they were raised, wholly or partly, as if they belonged to the opposite sex. Their sex of rearing was wrong. The boy was brought up as a girl and the girl as a boy (tomboy).
Such faulty upbringing may, in- deed, have triggered the future aberration of the psychological sex. Since many normal people, however, people in whom all seven sexes are in harmony, often had the same faulty conditioning, an- other factor must enter into the cause of the deviations. With our
present state of knowledge, we can only assume a congenital (inborn) predisposition of an as yet un- known nature.
There can be no doubt that the sex of rearing, which is also the Sex of Assignment, has a profound influence on the future Social Sex. This
- the seventh and last of "Our Sexes" is the most obvious one. It is the one in which a per- son dresses and finds his place in the world. In the vast majority of all people it blends harmoniously with the other sexes.
The normal (genetic) male has his masculine build, an ample supply of androgen, satisfactory potency, a sperm count assuring fertility, feels as a man, dresses as a man, likes women, would be horrified to wear female clothes,